10 Activities To Make Bedtime Incredibly Easy

Ah, bedtime. The word that can either make you breathe a sigh of relief or fill you with dread. If you fall in the latter category, you’re not alone. Bedtime can be one of the trickiest parts of parenthood, especially when your baby seems to have other plans.
Whether you feed your baby with formula or pump breast milk, it is important to establish a peaceful and consistent bedtime routine. It will help your baby wind down and drift off. The good news? There are plenty of bedtime activities you can try to make the “process” feel less like a marathon and more like a smooth journey toward sleep.
Let’s dive into some supportive, and even a little bit humorous activities before bed. These can make the end of the day a breeze (or at least a little less chaotic!).
1. Wind Down with a Warm Bath
There’s something magical about a warm bath that can help your baby relax and prepare for sleep. A gentle bath before bed can work wonders. The warm water can help with any digestion issues from those bottle feeds, making them feel more comfortable and ready to rest.
You don’t need to turn bath time into a full-blown event. Instead, keep this bedtime activity simple: warm water, a little gentle baby soap, and maybe a few splashes for fun. It’s also a moment for you to connect and relax together.
Pro tip: If your baby is super energetic during the day, dim the bathroom lights and keep the atmosphere calm and quiet. You’d be surprised how quickly a soft, warm bath can transform your little one from a bouncing ball to a sleepy snuggler.
2. Gentle Baby Massage for Relaxation
After the bath, a gentle baby massage can help relax both their muscles and mind. Use a soft, unscented lotion or baby oil, and gently massage their arms, legs, tummy, and back. It’s a good way to calm them down after a long day of exploring the world (or, you know, exploring their fingers and toes).
Pro tip: Focus on your baby’s legs and feet. Babies seem to love a good foot rub, and it can really help them relax.
3. Dim the Lights
Our babies are like little sponges, absorbing the environment around them. If the room is still bright and noisy, it’s no wonder they’re wide awake! Dim the lights about 30 minutes before bedtime to help signal to your baby’s brain that it’s time to start relaxing.
Pro tip: Stick to calm and repetitive sounds. White noise, soft rain sounds, or even a gentle fan in the background can help create a peaceful atmosphere.
4. Create a Calming Feeding Environment
Feeding is not an uncommon bedtime activity. Your baby may get a little drowsy as they finish that last bottle of the day. Creating a calm, quiet environment during this final feed can make all the difference.
Pro tip: Keep the baby upright for a little while after feeding to help with digestion, especially if they’re prone to reflux.
5. Read a Bedtime Story
Even if your baby doesn’t quite understand the words yet, the sound of your voice is incredibly comforting. A short, soothing story is the perfect solution to make bedtime fun.
Pro tip: Keep it short. Babies have short attention spans, and by bedtime, they’re often too tired to focus. One short book or even a few pages is enough to set the sleepy-time tone.
6. Create a Bedtime Playlist
Just like we have our favorite songs to help us relax, babies respond to soothing music as well. Create a bedtime playlist of lullabies or instrumental music to help create a consistent bedtime routine.
Pro tip: You can also hum or sing softly to your baby. Even if you don’t think you have the voice of an angel, your baby thinks you do!
7. The Magic of Routine
Babies thrive on routine. The more predictable and consistent their bedtime routine is, the easier it will be for them to recognize when it’s time to sleep. You don’t have to go overboard; just stick to a few key bedtime activities every night.
Pro tip: Don’t worry if the routine doesn’t go perfectly every night. Some nights will be a breeze, and others will feel like a marathon!
8. The Art of the Sleepy Cue
Babies have a window of time when they’re naturally ready to sleep. Catch them at the right moment—when they’re drowsy but not overtired. This is your golden ticket.
Pro tip: If you miss the sleepy window, don’t panic! Give them a few extra minutes of calm time, maybe a few extra cuddles or some white noise to help them settle back down.
9. Avoid Overstimulation Right Before Bed
Sometimes, you may want to tire your baby out with lots of activities before bed in the hopes that they’ll sleep soundly. But too much stimulation can make it harder for them to wind down.
Pro tip: If your baby is super active and seems to get a second wind in the evening, try to start the bedtime routine earlier to give them more time to settle down.
10. Cuddle It Out
Never underestimate the power of a good cuddle. Your baby feels safest in your arms, and sometimes, the best way to prepare for sleep is a few quiet minutes of cuddles.
Pro tip: If your baby is especially fussy, try to swaddle them or use a soft, cozy blanket. The snug feeling can remind them of being in the womb and help them settle.
Every baby is different, and bedtime routines may vary from family to family. The key is to find what works best for you and your little one. Bedtime doesn’t have to be perfect to be effective. With just a little bit of perseverance, you’ll have your baby peacefully snoozing in no time. Also, keep on reading to discover more interesting info—we have a lot of blogs waiting for you!