10 Best Gifts for the New Parents Who Already Have Everything

Maybe they have multiple children already or perhaps you know the parents-to-be already received every gift off of their baby registry. Either way, you want to get the new parents SOMETHING as a way to celebrate the birth of their new son or daughter. So what do you get new parents who already seem to have everything?
Here we’ll cover 10 unique and useful gifts that every new mom and dad would be excited to receive (that we're crossing our fingers they don't already have!)
Newly Available Baby Gifts
The following gifts would be perfect for the new parents who already have everything because they’re all recent additions to the baby scene. Which means if you’re buying for a family who already has had other babies, chances are they don’t yet have this product. I know if I was having another baby, I would want each of these to make my life easier! (And if you’re buying for a baby shower and want all the ooohs and ahhhs, these are the ones to get!)
1.) The bökee
The bökee is the bottle prep accessory any new parents would be incredibly thankful to have. If they already have other children than they know how difficult bottle prep can be while holding a baby. And if this is their first babe, they’ll soon find out. That is unless they have the bökee. We highly suggest you get this incredibly useful gift that allows parents to easily prep bottles with one hand while they hold their baby in the other hand (or whatever other multitasking they need to be doing!)
It’s also great for transferring breast milk which is when too many spills often happen (more on that here). Parents love gifts that are multi-purpose and can be used through the toddler years, and the bokee is definitely that!
RELATED: 6 Non-Traditional Uses for the bökee
2.) The Baby’s Brew
There are a lot of bottle warmers on the market, but not one of them works like the Baby’s Brew. We promise that even if the new parents already have a bottle warmer, they’ll be incredibly grateful to have this one to replace it.
This is the world’s first battery operated bottle warmer. It’s not only 100% portable, but the parents will also be able to choose the exact temperature they need for their baby’s bottle. For example, the ideal temperature for breastmilk is 98.6 degrees and the Baby’s Brew will warm it to that exact temperature with the push of a button. This is perfect for preserving nutrients and mimicking breastfeeding. With three other temperatures and its ease of use out and about, it’s perfect for warming formula bottles, too. This pairs perfect with the bokee!
3.) VAVA Smart Baby Thermometer
Taking a baby’s temperature is something that parentswill do often in their little one’s first year. But taking a baby’s temperature can be really difficult to do. I think we all know how squirmy babies can get and they’re not going to suddenly be compliant when you’re annoying them by trying to take their temperature (whether that’s rectally, in the ear, or on the forehead.) Parents would love to have a thermometer that’s accurate and easy to use which makes the VAVA Smart Baby Thermometer an excellent gift. It offers 24-hour real-time temperature monitoring simply by putting the “silicone patch” under the baby's arms, which then will alert the parents if there is any elevation in temperature. This is a great gift you know the parents won’t have yet that will also be helping to keep their baby safe and well.
4.) Slumberpod Portable Sleep Nook
If you’re buying a gift for new parents that do a lot of traveling, than the Slumberpod would be very well received and used often. As a parent who has gone on many trips through the baby years, I can tell you firsthand how hard it can be to get a little one to sleep while everyone is sleeping in the same hotel room. We would often end up setting up our baby’s pack ‘n play in the bathroom or going to bed way earlier than we’d prefer just so our baby could go to sleep more easily.
The Slumberpod makes it so parents don’t have to do this! This portable sleep nook slips over a portable crib or playard to create a dark and cozy sleeping environment with plenty of space to still stand up. It can be hard to get good sleep when vacationing with a baby, but the Slumberpod is changing that!
Baby Gifts That Go Beyond the Infant Stage
When parents register for baby gifts, they’re usually considering the near future. Which means they’ll end up with plenty of what they need for baby’s first six months, but then find themselves needing to buy a lot more as their little one grows. One way to ensure you’re giving a gift the new parents haven’t yet received is to consider what baby may need once they’re beyond the infant stage.
We'll start you off with a few of our favorites as each of these gifts would be perfect for a baby six months and older.
5.) EZPZ First Foods Set
The parents you're buying for may be knee deep in caring for a brand new baby, but that baby will be ready to sit at the table and eat solid foods in a blink. The truth is that the parents likely already have everything they need for now, so we suggest preparing them for the next big stage. This feeding set from EZPZ is perfect for giving the new parents so they'll be ready for table time as soon as that day comes (which won't be long now!) This suction set serves to make this time more enjoyable for all with less mess.
6.) Easy Seat Portable High Chair
Babies love to be held, but it gets harder to hold them as they grow and become more mobile. At home this is much easier to manage as parents often have lots of different places for their baby to lay down or play, but on the go it can be tougher. And once you sit down for a meal while out and about, parents quickly find that the only great place to put their baby is in their lap. But the Easy Seat Portable High Chair is a simple product that parents can bring wherever they go to make sure their baby has a safe place to sit on their own. Whether that’s to a friend’s house or a restaurant, this helps the parents have more independence since their baby does, too. And their will be plenty of time for lots of baby snuggles after the meal is over.
The Inglesina Fast Table Chair that we cover in our post, “Things I Wish I Had for My First Baby” would be another excellent choice for an on-the-go highchair!
7.) Busy Baby Mat
Keeping with the theme of making life easier for parents with babies who've made it to the feeding stage, we have the busy baby mat.
Going out to dinner can be so much fun, but that's not always true with a baby. Often times it can be anything but relaxing...forcing the parents to cut their meal short, or just do everything they can to keep their baby entertained until the check finally comes. The Busy Baby Mat is a portable food mat that not only keeps a clean and sanitized safe for baby to eat, but also offers a secure place for baby's toys. This allows for a full meal of entertainment for the new parents' little one while preventing them from throwing the toys on the floor (which we all know young ones love to do.) The parents will definitely be thanking you for this gift that will make mealtime fun again.
Unexpected Baby Gifts Not Everyone is Buying
The following gifts are not the ones you typically see given at a baby shower or with the arrival of a newborn. Leave the diapers, blankets, and bottles for someone else to give while you get these gifts that you know no one else is giving the new parents. Plus, we guarantee each of these will come in incredibly handy during the baby stage (and beyond).
8.) Unbuckle Me Carseat Tool
Did you know thatcar seats are required 9 lbs of pressure to release the buckle? Obviously this is for good reason - you don’t want any young ones unbuckling themselves as you drive. However, this can make it really hard on mom and dad to get those carseats unbuckled, too. Yes, of course, they can do it, but it’s harder than you’d think! The useful Unbuckle Me tool was invented by an occupational therapist as a way to make unbuckling a carseat easier. It’s been tested and proven to reduce the force required to unbuckle a car seat by 50%. Does the new mom have nails she wants to keep intact or have multiple children already? This would be the perfect gift.
For more small gift ideas check out: Best Budget-Friendly Gifts (All Under $25)
9.) Zutano Baby Booties
We tried all the socks (either gifted to us or purchased ourselves) with our first two babies and none of them would ever stay on. It was seriously one of those things where you thought, “there has to be a better product out there!” With baby #3, my research led me to Zutano baby booties. I couldn’t deny the great reviews so immediately bought these for my daughter to keep her tiny feet warm. They were exactly what I’d been looking for. So, do the parents a favor and get these for them. Because the sock thing is enough to drive any baby mama or daddy crazy.
10.) Daycare Label Pack
My Sister-in-Law gave me Mabel’s Labels as a present for each of my children and it was such a unique and useful gift. Most parents end up realizing they need to purchase something like this once they start taking their baby to daycare (or they just end up scrawling their baby’s name on everything in Sharpie). If you know that the new parents will be taking their baby to daycare anytime soon, this is an excellent gift that you know will continue to get used through the toddler years, too. Plus, every new parent loves seeing their baby’s names on personalized gifts!
The truth is that no parents truly have EVERYTHING. There are definitely items they don't know about yet that could make their lives with a baby easier and more enjoyable. With this list and a bit of creativity, you can definitely find the perfect gift for the parents who seem to have it all.